Soul Care–Receiving Help

We believe Gospel transformation and healing happen in the context of communities and it’s why we advocate for and believe in our soul care groups, classes, retreats, and the individual care we provide through one-on-one discipleship. These are safe and supportive places for you to be led through hopeful and practical perspectives to biblically handle all types of experiences and subjects. 

Our transformation groups are led by the pastoral staff and/or Soul Care Team and the studies are tailored to meet the particular needs or interests of the participants.

Our classes give people an opportunity to come together and learn how to biblically think through relational issues in the light of the transforming power of the Gospel.

Our retreats provide participants a specific time and place to slow down and be aware of God’s presence and work in their souls through rest, reflection, solitude, and personal connection with the Lord and others. Each retreat provides a one-on-one experience with the Lord as well as group instruction and guidance from a trusted pastor or counselor.

Individual care is a one-on-one relationship based on discernment, prayer, and lay counseling. Moreover, a soul caregiver seeks to become a supportive and crucial guide on your journey to gospel transformation.

There are seasons and circumstances when one-on-one counseling may be beneficial and necessary. There are times when a class or group setting is needed most. Someone from our Soul Care Team would love to help you take the best step toward the care you need.

By completing this Soul Care Intake form, we can begin the conversation. Someone from our team will reach out via email or phone and walk you through the process.