The Connection

The Connection is a weekly email newsletter sent every Thursday that gives a detailed glimpse into the life and body of our congregation. It contains all the happenings of our church and serves as the primary method of communicating activities, events, and ministries. If you have been attending Christ Church and desire to get involved, we invite you to subscribe by contacting the office.

Church Center App

We use a free app called Church Center, available on iOS and Android devices. This app was specifically created by a church, for churches. Our members use this app for things like directory information, Bible study signups, event registrations, and calendar management. The app acts as a centralized hub for members to go to get involved. Beyond just knowing about ministries, the app is how people actively engage in the ministries offered here. You do not have to be a member to use this app, but the app is primarily used by those desiring to be involved in the ministries of Christ Church. For any questions related to the Church Center app, please contact the church office.