Soul Care–Giving Help
Do you have a heart for others and want to help? In some seasons our role is to receive care and other times it’s to come alongside the hurting and walk with them through seasons we’ve encountered previously. As we continue to grow our ministry for those in and outside our church family, we continually need people to pave the way for soul care to happen.
Our training program provides an inside look at the dynamics of the Soul Care Ministry. There is the presentation of policies, procedures, the selection criteria, and various other discipleship concepts that pertain to the cohesiveness, preparation, and growth of the caregiver team. Participation in the training followed by a successful exit interview with the Pastor of Soul Care are required to become a team member.
Commitment Level:
- Length: 6-8 class meetings
- Reading: Roughly 2-3 short chapters/handouts per class meeting
- Homework: Required
- Cost: Purchase a book ($12-$18)
- Conclusion: Interview process
Benefits of the Training:
- You will learn how a caregiver abides in Christ for the sake of others.
- You will receive a broad overview of the principles and practices of soul care.
- You will learn how to anticipate the personal challenges of a caregiver and how to overcome them.
- You will develop a greater awareness of the biblical dynamics of the church and how to cultivate and promote a soul care culture within the church body.
- You will learn how to lead a small group.
- You will learn how to navigate the risks of lay counseling and become familiar with the procedures and practices provided in Christ Church’s Soul Care Policy Handbook.
You will receive resources to help you grow and develop as a lay counselor and you will have access to future training opportunities to continue your education.