March 15, 2020

All Day

Well it has been a long week.  We sent out messaging yesterday saying we desired to have a service.  BUT given the continued uncertainty of the impact of Covid19 in our area and our desire to continue to shield those who are most at risk, the elders have decided to cancel services tomorrow.  Please note: KGroups are still up to the leadership and members to decide to attend as they decide. 


Since we are not a church that is set up to do an online format well, we are encouraging you to “visit” an online service.  Grace Presbyterian is in our presbytery and would be a great option: another option would be to listen to one of our past sermons with your family:  Let’s take tomorrow as an opportunity to ask the Lord to soften the impact corona virus could have on our nation and world. 


We will continue to monitor the situation as we stated in our messaging yesterday.  As always, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to Pastor Tim